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and sharing through lived experiences

Sisters of Frida 2015 AGM

Zara, Becky, Eleanor Firman and Obi (livestreamer in photo)

Zara, Becky, Eleanor Firman and Obi (livestreamer in photo)

Emma (speaking with ipad) and Dyi

Emma (speaking with ipad) and Dyi

Tim (PA), Lani, Manjit Rehal and colleague from Coventry CRASAC

Tim (PA), Lani, Manjit Rehal and colleague from Coventry CRASAC

Sarah (with thumbs up) and Emma

Sarah (with thumbs up) and Emma


Back to us, Armineh and Zara, Pauline, Martine (standing up), Michelle and Becky

Sisters of Frida held the 2015 AGM Saturday 10th January, in Coventry, Kahawa café, 163 New union Street, CV1 2PL.

A panel of speakers discussed the issues for Sisters of Frida to focus on: disability and sexuality, domestic violence and violence against women, social justice and intersectionality. This AGM was livestreamed and we had a remote captioner for one deaf delegate and the other with hearing impairment. ( Michelle: Welcome and Introductions) ( Becky and Zara: Young disabled women and intersectionality) (Michelle: Health Care and Inequality for disabled women) (Eleanor: Feminism and Disability, UN instruments) ( Questions and Answers) (Priorities for SoF video )

 2015 01 10 SISTERS OF FRIDA Transcript (transcript captioned in MS Word Doc)

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