our Disability and Sex/uality project led by Dyi Hudjg and Lani Parker
We’re very happy to have a link to www.sexualityanddisability.org (via INWWD) , a website that starts with the premise that women who are disabled are sexual beings – just like any other woman.
It is a great resource – sexualityanddisability.org is brought to you by (CREA
) and Point of View
. Based in Delhi and New York, CREA is a feminist human rights organisation that promotes, protects and advances the sexual rights of all people; as part of its programs, it runs an online course on disability, gender and sexuality. Based in Mumbai, Point of View is a non-profit platform that brings the points of view of women into mutliple domains through media, art and culture.
We would recommend browsing the website.
- is constructed as a bunch of questions a woman with a disability might have – about her body, about the mechanics and dynamics of having sex, about the complexities of being in an intimate relationship or having children, about unvoiced fears or experiences of encountering abuse in some form.
- discusses a wide range of topics related to sexuality without shying away from them – parts of it are explicit. People have different views of what is and isn’t appropriate and we’ve included them all.
- is accessible to people with disabilities; special features have been included to ensure this.
- has been created with the active support of women with disabilities, disability rights activists, counselling professionals, and organizations working on disability. More and more women with disabilities are reclaiming their sexual selves, speaking out through blogsÂ
, filmsÂ
, booksÂ
, performancesÂ
, websitesÂ
 and offline activism.
- aims to provide women with disabilities and related constellations – partners, families, health workers, counsellors, organisations – a platform to explore this further.
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