Sisters of Frida Home

Bringing disabled women together, mobilising
and sharing through lived experiences

Sisters of Frida Team

an East Asian women smiling wearing a cap, glasses, and a soft green scarf

Eleanor Lisney is a campaigner, founder member, public speaker and director of Sisters of Frida. She is an access advisor, an aspiring creative practitioner and co founder of Culture Access CIC, which is about supporting access, bringing an inclusive edge intersectionally. Recently, Eleanor joined the TSIC Advisory Board and is working on a project with them for the London Funders.

She was born in Malaysia and has lived in Strasbourg, France and studied at Austin, Texas. She has written for Media Diversified and  is passionate about embedding intersectionality in all her work. She has two grown up children.

young black woman smiling broadly into camera with fuzzy hair.

Tumu Johnson is a mental health worker and group facilitator with experience of working in front line support services, research and community organising. She is currently studying for a Masters in Mental Health Studies whilst working in the NHS and also provides freelance training around mental health and wellbeing.

Tumu is committed to making the world a more accessible place and fighting for the rights of disabled people. She is a feminist who takes an intersectional approach and hopes to draw on her experiences as a black disabled woman to contribute to achieving social justice.

Young white girl with long brownish hair and short sleeved top

Rachel O’Brien was the Independent Living Campaigns Officer at Inclusion London after working at the National Union of Students as the Disabled Students’ Officer where she did work on movement building and political education, and campaigns around stopping the privatisation of the NHS and stopping and scrapping Universal Credit.

Sarah Rennie, white woman with blonde hair and white shirt

(On sabbatical) Sarah Rennie is a former solicitor, her day-to-day work is research and governance advice. However, Sarah delivers disability equality training nationwide and acts as a consultant for select clients on internal equality working groups.

She is also vice-Chair of the Birmingham city’s Access Committee.


Kirsty Liddiard is a white woman with short hair, she has short hair and a black top on.

Kirsty Liddiard is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the the School of Education and iHuman at the University of Sheffield. Her research spans disability, gender, sexuality and intimacy, and more recently, childhood and youth, with a particular interest in how disablism and ableism both inform and shape these experiences in the everyday lives of disabled people.

Kirsty centres disability activism, arts and culture in her work and makes use of arts-informed methodologies because of the ways in which they push the boundaries of traditional social scientific thinking and enable multiple ways of thinking and knowing.

White woman with blonde hair smiling, wearing a red top

Lani Parker (she/her) is a facilitator, trainer, consultant and coach with a background in providing advice, information and advocacy within disabled people’s organisations. She has also been involved with migrant solidarity and abolitionist movements. From 2015 to 2022, she was a steering committee member of Sisters of Frida, a co director and has now taken on an advisory role to the organisation. Examples of her work can be found at and  She is passionate about making connections and developing new ideas and visions that centre disabled people and other marginalised groups. 

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