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Bringing disabled women together, mobilising
and sharing through lived experiences

Rail travel made easy

We are proud to share this from one of our Sisters, Maria Zedda of Wideaware, this resource. This is very useful when planning your train travel.

couple_on_trainRail travel made easy

is produced by the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) and is designed to help disabled passengers, and others who might encounter practical difficulties, make use of the help and resources available for planning a barrier-free train journey in Great Britain.

Our aim is to encourage as many disabled customers to use the railway as possible. As track and station operators are still working on removing as many barriers as possible, we hope that this website will help you to make informed choices about your travel plans, identify any potential barriers that might affect your journey, and find ways to avoid these difficulties.

Towards an accessible public tranport for disabled people

Just have to blog about Zara Todd and Maria Zedda and how they are both working towards an accessible public transport for disabled people – as campaigner and as trainer.

Today Zara was on Channel 4 News debate between disability campaigners and representatives of London’s transport network, charities and disabled people tell us their concerns.

Maria Zedda’s company, Wideaware, was also mentioned as providing e-learning training to   complement customer service training the London 2012  Travel Champions would be receiving.

Bravo sisters!